about me

February 4, 1947
Born in Malente, Schleswig-Holstein, in the North of Germany
04/1953 – 04/1957
Primary school in Malente
04/1957 – 02/1966
Secondary school Johann-Heinrich-Voss in Eutin, graduated with university-entrance diploma (Abitur) in 1966.
04/1966 – 11/1972
Student of Mathematics and Astronomy at Universities of Hamburg (1966-1969), Paris-Orsay (1969-1970) and Bonn (1970-1972) – graduated with degree dissertation (Diplom) in Mathematics on Differential Forms in the Thom class
12/1972 – 06/1975
Postgraduate studies in Number Theory, Automorphic Forms, Representation Theory
07/1975 – 04/1978
Scientific Employee at the Collaborative Research Center for Theoretical Mathematics (Sonderforschungsbereich 40) in Bonn – a precursor of the MPIM.
Ph.D. from Science Faculty of Bonn University with thesis in Mathematics on Cohomology of arithmetic groups
04/1978 – 04/1980
Scientific Assistent at the Mathematical Faculty of the University of Bielefeld
05/1980 – 03/1984
Consultant at software company in Wiesbaden (Polydata, the German part of this company vanished from the market in 2006).
04/1984 – 11/2005
Consultant and Manager at IBM Germany
12/2005 – now
retired and busy with detecting what I want to learn and know, like doing mathematics, visiting the Berlin planetarium, attending astronomical workshops or lectures at the universities, reading books, watching movies, in particular at the international film festival Berlinale, traveling to somewhere, seeing friends, hearing concerts in the philharmony, go swimming, go biking along the Teltow channel, practicing Qi-Gong and Taiji, and since 2007 sailing on Berlin rivers.